Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Now

This poem was inspired by a devotional sent out by one of my dear friends. I am sure I am not interpreting her devotional exactly how she meant it and you may find yourself not interpreting this poem exactly how I meant it. That is the beauty of the Spirit - He speaks to each person's understanding.

My Now

My Past was once ever before me
Like a constant wall blocking my way
I could not go around it, over it or through it
No escaping the shadow it cast over my life
I walked in fear of the unknown and the unseen
Blindly groping forward

My Present was once unhinged
Like a constant swinging door
Pushing me backward and forward in time
No sure ground on which to plant my feet
I walked in fear of the unknown and the unseen
Wavering from moment to moment

My Future was once concealed
Like the inside of a circus fun house
Confusion and deception at every turn
No exit sign to be found anywhere
I walked in fear of the unknown and the unseen
Imprisoned in uncertainty

My Now (past, present and future)
Is held in the hands of the Great I Am
An "in the moment" place where
I can be sure of what I hope for
And certain of what I do not see
Freed to Be

I encourage anyone who feels stuck in the past or paralyzed by the future to seek shelter in God and let Him lead you and instruct you on how to live your life in the Now moment with Him. I find that the more I trust Him with my Now life, the more I am at rest. Doesn't rest sound good?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stones of Unbelief

I wrote this poem in response to a recent encounter I had with God regarding an area in my life where I struggle with unbelief. I called out to Him for help. According to Mark 9:24, I am not the first person to do so: Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
Do you struggle with unbelief? If so, I encourage you to invite God into that place and ask Him what He wants to do with it and then let Him do it. I saw my unbelief as a stone in my soul that God wanted to remove. You may see something else, but equally as powerful. After writing this poem, I couldn't help put ponder this: If faith the size of a mustard seed enables me to move mountains, then what does unbelief the size of a large stone prevent me from moving? I give thanks to my Lord for helping me overcome my unbelief - for making a way for me to enter into a place where the impossible becomes possible!

Stones of Unbelief

Come be with me in this secret place
Where all things unseen and unheard
Are revealed in the glory of your presence
And darkness flees the light

Here I place myself on your altar of mercy
Inviting you to operate in the unknown realm
That is the innermost part of my being
You are the Great Physician

Make the cut, pull back the flesh and
Insert your healing hand into my soul
Push through the gray matter of doubt
That clogs the ancient pathways

Extract the ugly stones of my unbelief
Which lie hidden in the pit of my stomach
Weighing me down with their heaviness
Holding me captive to their influence

Awake! Awake! Oh, my sleeping soul
Rise up and give praise to the Lord!
Rejoice in the beauty of faith renewed
Dare to believe!