Monday, March 2, 2009

Divine Nature

Today was our second snow day of the season in Apex, NC. Braving the cold, I headed outside with my camera to capture some awesome shots of God decorating His Creation with snow. (Photography is a new interest of mine). There is nothing quite like trying to capture an image through the lens of an eye and then through the lens of a camera. I did this today and came out the other side of the experience having found the image of God all around me. His Word says....

For his invisible attributes, namely, 
his eternal power and divine nature, 
have been clearly perceived, 
ever since the creation of the world, 
in the things that have been made.
Romans 1:20(a) (ESV)

Because I am a very symbolic thinker, I see symbolism in everything! Even as I looked over the shots I took today, and despite my human limitations -

For now we see through a mirror dimly, but then face to face; 
now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as 
I also have been fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12 (NASB)

I couldn't help but see "word pictures" of how God reveals Himself to me by means of creation - that which He made. Through the camera lens to my eye to my mind's eye and finally, to the eyes of my heart...

"Spirit Ascending"

"Thawing Heart"

"Breakthrough is Coming"


"Clothed in Righteousness"

1 comment:

  1. How did he get in there! I see him - black top hat and red scarf!
