Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Your Grace is Sufficient for Me

I wrote the following poem for the art board we have at our church. Each month there is a theme and anyone in the church can post a created work of art - painting, photography,writing, etc. This month's theme is grace. I love God's grace. I embrace it now, but that was not always the case. Contemplating this theme of grace, I remembered a day when I challenged God and in my weakened and messed up state, wanting His judgment over His grace. Life had severely beaten me down and I was very, very weary. I wanted to die. I could not bring myself to end my own life, so I thought if I provoked God, maybe He would give me the judgment I felt I deserved and He would take my life. In reality, in my heart of hearts, I recognized that the existence of God was my only hope and therefore, I desperately needed Him to reveal Himself to me. Thank goodness He is real and He did came to me in my darkest hour with life transforming power! Grace, grace, grace abounded! (Ironically, it wasn't in the scene I have described. It was a few months later. I will have to blog about it another time.)

The first part of this poem is based on my actual actions and the second part is based on a dream. Both come together to form a beautiful interpretation of God's grace toward me.

“Your Grace is Sufficient for Me”

I stand in an open field,
Watching the approaching storm.
I think to myself, “So, this is how it is to be.”
You have come to answer the challenge of my heart
And you have brought wind, thunder,
And lightning as your allies. I am ready.
Arms at my side, feet firmly planted,
I lift my face to the skies and I cry out,
“If you are real, reveal yourself to me! I dare you!”
My mind wonders, my thoughts drift.
“Strike me if you must, just show me if you are here.”
There, the words have gone forth.
My heart aches as I await your reply.
The pain held there cannot be endured much longer.
“Show me or I will surely die!” I whisper.

Raindrops begin to pelt my face.
Their sting is sharp and brings relief in some small way.
This is what I deserve, right? This is what I expect.
After all, I have been unfaithful.
My unbelief permeates the air even now.

The storm is directly above me.
I look up and brace myself for your judgment.
I hear familiar voices in my head calling to me,
“Run! Take shelter! Hide!”
I resist the temptation. I refuse to be moved.
I must know the truth. Here. Now.

Slowing the sky begins to change.
The blackness is peeled back.
Radiant light and deep blue skies appear.
The heavens are open and
Something is falling. Flowers!
Sweet, delicate flowers rain down on me.
Wait! What is this?
Where is my judgment?

The answer comes quickly and with
Beautiful, wonderful revelation.
“My grace.”

You laugh, I laugh. Joy washes over me.
I begin to dance.

Your grace is sufficient for me…

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Poetry

I am cheating a little on my blog today. I found some of my old poetry and thought I would "recycle" it. I have rewritten the poems a bit, so technically they are new. I guess this beautiful spring-like weather is inspiring me to be poetic! Speaking on inspiration, I just realized that my inspiration for both of these poems could have come from Exodus chapter 3 where God speaks to Moses from a burning bush. The "I AM" and holy fire themes are both in this chapter. Actually, I believe the first poem was inspired by a Sunday school lesson I was teaching. The second one most likely came to me during a time of seeking God's refinement. Stay tuned, I might find and post more old poetry. I save everything!

The Great “I AM”

“What is your name? Who shall I say you are?”
God speaks: “I AM WHO I AM”

The power of His voice goes forth
Reverberating throughout all creation

In the mighty clap of thunder
And the gentle splash of the raindrop
In the rumbling of the earthquake
And the gurgling of the mountain stream
In the fierce roar of the lion
And the gentle beating of the bird’s wings
In the warrior’s cry of triumph
And the newborn baby’s cry

Listen! Feel! Know!

The God of yesterday, today and forever
Is making His name known in the hearts of men
The Great "I AM"


Look! There on the mountain!
A holy fire! A man within!
Righteous and pure and without sin
Burning bright, burning true
Beckoning to me, “I’ll see you through”

The journey begins here where I stand
Not hallowed ground, but right where I am

Bleeding feet and scarred knees
Is what this mountain is doing to me
Treacherous cliffs, from some I hang
Does He see me? Does He see my pain?

Yes! An outstretched arm, a helping hand
Back on my feet, now able to stand

The fire there is still calling you see
But wait, what is this change in me?
Oh, what a wonderful and glorious sight!
A gift of Hind’s feet for the climb through the night!

Upward, upward I must go
Never looking down, never looking below

At last, here I am at journeys end
He calls my name and I enter in
This all-consuming fire that is eternally Him
To be united with Him in one accord
This is my destination! This is my reward!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Scars of the Heart

I was reading chapter 20 of the Gospel of John this morning and I stopped at verses 19 and 20 to meditate on them and to appreciate them anew. These verses tell us that Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection and He showed them His hands and His side. He was proving to them that it was indeed Him they were seeing, as evidenced by the crucifixion scars He still bore on His body. This passage brought back to my remembrance a poem I had written a few years ago about a different type of scar - scars of the heart.

This poem came out of a conversation I had with the Lord about past hurts. Here are some excerpts from my journal about what He spoke to me - followed by the poem this conversation inspired:

The Lord speaking to me -

"You ask me, 'What is this that runs across my heart Lord? What is this ridge, this road map of agony, of pain, of despair? Where did it come from? What do I do with it? Can it be taken away?' I, the Lord, say to you: This is your testimony. This scar inflicted upon your heart. When you look at the scar - touch it, ponder it and remember.

Remember me.

Do you remember how you got that scar? What injustice you suffered? The violence you endured? Do you remember the shame of the moment? The helplessness to stop the pain? Do you remember?

I Remember.

This is my testimony: I bear the scars on my hands, feet and my side. I bear the scar of the cross so that you might live. Your scars are heart scars. I was there when they were inflicted. I put my hand into that place of pain and I asked my Father to bring healing, to bring wholeness, to bring newness. I asked that I might carry the pain and shame of the suffering you endured that you might live.

I see your scars. I see your pain. I do more than see. I carry. I carry the scars of your heart in my heart. Why you ask? It is my testimony of love. I love. I love. I love. I love."

"Scars of the Heart"

A scar
A ridge across the heart
A hurt, a pain, a sorrow
A witness
A statement

A scar
Evidence of the past
Covered over, closed up
A memory
A thought

Ah! A greater understanding revealed
Compassion, mercy, grace
A new beginning
A fresh start

A scar
A place of remembrance
Healing, wholeness, restoration
A testimony
A story

The scar of my heart.

The cross
A thought, a memory, a story
A statement, a witness, a testimony
A new beginning, a fresh start

The scar of your heart.

The scar of my heart swallowed up by the scar of your heart
Enduring, embracing, erasing
A perfect gift
A sacrifice of love
The cross

Monday, March 8, 2010

Victim to Victor

Today I was reading the verses about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:40 : Matt 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42) and I began to contemplate how he must have felt as he faced the ordeal of the cross that was to come. I wondered if he was so distraught because he knew for the first time in his existence, he would be alone - set apart from his earthy friends and family, separated from his Father. This got me to thinking about the times that I have felt alone. Most of these times have been when I have been a victim to someone else's ungodly will. Now, I do not in any way believe Jesus was a victim. I know that he chose his path and could have changed his mind at any time. I guess I am just trying to say that I know that Jesus can relate to how it feels to be utterly alone and subject to peoples' ungodly desires. It lead me to write the following poems (or lines, not sure they are poems). The first is how I felt as a victim and the second is how I felt, and still feel, as a victor in Christ.

Silent screams
Begging heart
Longing for mercy
Needing rescue
Deep Sorrow

Released at last
Overwhelming relief
Will know better next time
New strategies imagined
Escape routes planned
Be Still - Be small

Out of the deep darkness comes a great Light extending His hand to me.
Lifting me higher and higher until the things of my past are just

A shadow in time
A sliver of darkness
A vapor of remembrance

"I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth."
(Psalm 121:1-2)

I will not look back for my heart is in the hands of the Keeper of Hearts.
Precious, gentle, tender care and restoration belong to Him.
I have found my resting place, my safe refuge.
I will not be moved.