Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Essence of a Kiss

I was recently talking with a friend about experiences we both had when we were younger where someone "stole" or attempted to "steal" a kiss from us. We recounted how violated we felt. I had strong emotions rise up in me just thinking about it, as did she. After talking a few more minutes about kisses in general, I came to the conclusion that a kiss has much more meaning and purpose for me than I had imagined. I mulled this over all week in an attempt to clarify my feelings. Words like "intimate, invitation and exploration" began to whirl around in my mind. After giving it much thought, I came up with this poem that describes what was left after all the chaff was blown away. This is the essence of a kiss for me.

A Kiss
Lips pressed to lips
A kiss
Soft, warm yielding
An invitation
Closeness, togetherness
An exploration
Knowing, partaking, exchanging
A sacred oneness

A kiss is an invitation of intimacy in which both parties yield and embrace the opportunity to know the other. 

Over the years, I have experienced kisses that led to feelings of shame, guilt and confusion and kisses that led to feelings of awe, joy and rightness. The difference being that the first was done without God-consciousness and the second was done being God-conscious. 

I will end on this note. On occasion, during my quiet time,  I have even sensed Jesus drawing me to Him for a Holy Kiss - offering me an opportunity to know him at a deeper level, to partake of Him, to taste and know that He is good. 

Thank you Jesus for creating the kiss. May we keep it holy and sanctified, according to your purpose and good will, in our relationships with one another and with you. Amen.

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